Joshua Seiden Wins LIBN 40 under 40 Awards

Since 1998, Long Island Business News has taken nominations for outstanding members of the business community on Long Island who are 40 or under. These future leaders of Long Island have already begun to distinguish themselves in business, government, education and the not-for-profit sector. They have a proven track record of career success, are involved in mentoring and promoting their profession and find time to give back to their communities. Joshua Seiden has been recognized by Long Island Business News as a 40 under 40 honoree.

Joshua Seiden Questionnaire:

Who or what inspires you?

My dedicated team members motivate me each day to be a better leader. I see their hard work and continuous growth, as well as their personal care and investment in the properties we build. They step back and take the time to understand how these buildings affect our communities, and that passion is certainly an inspiration to myself as a leader.

 In ways do you give back to the community?

LMJ continuously makes an effort to give back to our Long Island communities and support meaningful causes that impact us a whole. Joshua Seiden has sat as a board member for the American Heart Associations “Hard Hats with Heart” committee which raised awareness for heart disease within the construction industry. LMJ has also donated to and sponsored Central Nassau Guidance.  Our organization has also provided services at no cost to several projects that played an important role in our communities. Some of those projects being for Island Harvest and the Town of Islip Park for the Blind.

Share an experience or accomplishment that helped get you to where you are today.

Learning the importance of building a trusting relationship with clientele has been instrumental in my leadership development. Since LMJ’s inception our repeat and referral customers have relied on LMJ’s reputation and the service we provide. As the president of the firm, I strive to create a team that is passionate and caring, and puts our clients needs at the forefront.

Tell us something about you that most people do not know.

I began working in the construction industry while I was a teenager in high school. My career path developed, and I continued working for LMJ throughout college which ultimately led to full time employment once I had graduated. Specifically in this field, age can be a discriminating factor when looking to gain respect from industry leaders. It took hard work and dedication to prove myself, and by 2013 at the age of 24 years old I became President & CEO of LMJ Management and Construction. Establishing yourself as a young business owner can certainly be tough but now almost a decade later, I am beyond proud of my team and our commitment to building Long Island’s future.  

How would you say you inspired change in your organization or the community as an up-and-coming leader?

I began working for LMJ at a young age and saw a lot of what worked and what didn’t work. I was able to recognize the importance of encouraging a hard-working dedicated team with strong communication. This produced better results all around and were vital to the overall project. I presented a larger vision for my team, one that included growth and the importance of our work on Long Island and how these developments impacted us all.